Submission #1678015

Source Code Expand

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;
typedef long long int ll;
typedef pair<int, int> P;
typedef pair<ll, ll> Pll;
typedef vector<int> Vi;
//typedef tuple<int, int, int> T;
#define FOR(i,s,x) for(int i=s;i<(int)(x);i++)
#define REP(i,x) FOR(i,0,x)
#define ALL(c) c.begin(), c.end()
#define DUMP( x ) cerr << #x << " = " << ( x ) << endl

const int dr[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
const int dc[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};

const int N = 50, W = 20, C = 150;
const double TL = 9.7;
int M = 0;
int B[50][50]; // 0->. 1->o 2->x 3->+ 4->-
int board[50][50], used[50][50];
pair<int, int> D[2500]; // 変更可能な座標
const string S = ".ox+-";

void dump() {
  // print result
  REP(i, N) {
    REP(j, N) printf("%c", S[B[i][j]]);

void drop() {
  // simulate board
  REP(c, N) {
    for (int r = N - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
      if (board[r][c] == 0) {
        int now = r;
        while (now >= 0 and board[now][c] == 0) now--;
        if (now < 0) break;
        if (board[now][c] == 4) {
          r = now;
        while (now >= 0 and board[now][c] != 0 and board[now][c] != 4) {
          board[r][c] = board[now][c];
          board[now][c] = 0;
          now--, r--;
        if (now < 0) break;
        if (board[now][c] == 4) {
          r = now;


int bfs(int sr, int sc, char s) {
  queue<pair<int, int>> que;
  que.emplace(sr, sc);
  int cnt = 0;
  while (not que.empty()) {
    int r, c; tie(r, c) = que.front(); que.pop();
    if (used[r][c]) continue;
    used[r][c] = 1;
    REP(i, 4) {
      int nr = r + dr[i], nc = c + dc[i];
      if (0 <= nr and nr < N and 0 <= nc and nc < N and not used[nr][nc] and board[nr][nc] == s) {
        que.emplace(nr, nc);
  return cnt;

int evaluate(vector<int> change) {
  REP(i, N) REP(j, N) board[i][j] = B[i][j];

  REP(i, M) {
    int r, c; tie(r, c) = D[i];
    if (change[i] == 1) board[r][c] = 3;
    if (change[i] == 2) board[r][c] = 4;


  memset(used, 0, sizeof(used));
  int max_o = 0, max_x = 0;
  REP(r, N) REP(c, N) {
    if (used[r][c]) continue;
    if (board[r][c] == 1) max_o = max(max_o, bfs(r, c, 1));
    if (board[r][c] == 2) max_x = max(max_x, bfs(r, c, 2));
  return max_o + max_x;

void solve() {
  chrono::system_clock::time_point start = chrono::system_clock::now();

  random_device rnd;
  mt19937 mt(rnd());

  for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
      if (B[i][j] == 0) D[M] = make_pair(i, j), M++;

  vector<int> best_change(M, 0);
  vector<vector<int>> best_changes;
  REP(i, W) best_changes.push_back(best_change);
  vector<int> best_scores(W);
  REP(i, W) best_scores[i] = evaluate(best_changes[i]);

  uniform_int_distribution<> rand3(0, 2), randM(0, M-1), rand10(1, 10);
  int itr = 0;

  while (true) {
    double diff = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(chrono::system_clock::now() - start).count() / 1000.;
    if (diff > TL) break;
    vector<vector<int>> changes;
    vector<pair<int, int>> ranks;
    REP(i, W) ranks.emplace_back(-best_scores[i], i), changes.push_back(best_changes[i]);
    REP(i, W) {
      REP(_, C) {
        vector<int> change = best_changes[i];
        int change_num = 5;
        REP(_, change_num) {
          int idx = randM(mt) / 2;
          int ns = rand3(mt);
          change[idx] = ns;
        int score = evaluate(change);
        ranks.emplace_back(-score, changes.size());
    REP(i, W) best_changes[i] = changes[ranks[i].second], best_scores[i] = -ranks[i].first;
    //cerr << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(chrono::system_clock::now() - start).count() / 1000. << ' ' << itr << ' ' << best_scores[0] << endl;
  cerr << itr << ' ' << best_scores[0] << endl;
  best_change = best_changes[0];
  REP(i, M) {
    int r, c; tie(r, c) = D[i];
    if (best_change[i] == 1) B[r][c] = 3;
    if (best_change[i] == 2) B[r][c] = 4;


int main() {
  REP(i, N) {
    string row; cin >> row;
    REP(j, N) {
      if (row[j] == '.') {
        B[i][j] = 0;
      } else if (row[j] == 'o') {
        B[i][j] = 1;
      } else if (row[j] == 'x') {
        B[i][j] = 2;

  return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task A - ○×ブロック
User n_knuu
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 5073
Code Size 4541 Byte
Status TLE
Exec Time 10030 ms
Memory 16552 KB

Judge Result

Set Name test_01 test_02 test_03 test_04 test_05 test_06 test_07 test_08 test_09 test_10
Score / Max Score 510 / 2500 641 / 2500 0 / 2500 556 / 2500 655 / 2500 515 / 2500 559 / 2500 489 / 2500 559 / 2500 589 / 2500
AC × 1
AC × 1
TLE × 1
AC × 1
AC × 1
AC × 1
AC × 1
AC × 1
AC × 1
AC × 1
Set Name Test Cases
test_01 subtask_01_01.txt
test_02 subtask_01_02.txt
test_03 subtask_01_03.txt
test_04 subtask_01_04.txt
test_05 subtask_01_05.txt
test_06 subtask_01_06.txt
test_07 subtask_01_07.txt
test_08 subtask_01_08.txt
test_09 subtask_01_09.txt
test_10 subtask_01_10.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
subtask_01_01.txt AC 9783 ms 16552 KB
subtask_01_02.txt AC 9744 ms 15252 KB
subtask_01_03.txt TLE 10030 ms 15200 KB
subtask_01_04.txt AC 9945 ms 15816 KB
subtask_01_05.txt AC 9986 ms 15156 KB
subtask_01_06.txt AC 9967 ms 15248 KB
subtask_01_07.txt AC 9897 ms 15392 KB
subtask_01_08.txt AC 9991 ms 15620 KB
subtask_01_09.txt AC 9899 ms 15488 KB
subtask_01_10.txt AC 9762 ms 15344 KB